Friday, June 10, 2005

Why I started blogging

I started blogging on a friend's suggestion after I told him I was bored out of my wits even though I’ve got tons of work to do. Well, actually I tried to be cool and told him that I already posted a blog way back in 2002, but that was only a test blog! Ricky, now you know, hahaha. :P

But after a few posts, I started doubting; whether this is just a fad, something I’ll do when I’m bored, and whether my intentions were right.
It’s as if, my internal critic just kicked in and said:
1. “Isn’t this a waste of time? Don’t you have work to do?
2. Why not spend time talking to REAL people on the issues that you post?
3. Aren’t you just looking for attention? “

To that, my reply is:
1. Yes, I’ve got lots of work to do. Believe me, I’ve spent almost the entire one year after being posted to Malaysia working late nights. And as time progressed, I find that I got more ineffective. I allowed work to take up so much time that even though it’s fun and challenging, I had no time to reflect on my work, plus my social life suffered (especially bad since I don’t have many close friends who are still in Malaysia and need time and effort to re-build old ties and make new ones). But, blogging take only anywhere between 5 mins to 30 mins at most, and provides an outlet for me to think about things instead of just crashing into bed every day.

2. To critical point 2., my answer would be similar to 1. Currently, my close friends are mostly scattered in various countries. All of which is more than a stones throw away! I’d like to know what they’re up to, and I’d like them to know what I’m up to as well.

3. Well……to this, I can say: YEA! I’m an attention-grabbing freak! :) But seriously, when I think about it, I would say no. I don’t expect this to be a regularly visited blog besides myself; I do self-censor my blogs in that I don’t spill-out VERY personal stuff about myself or my family and friends. So it’s definitely not drama. And since when does sharing my thoughts with friends constitute “looking for attention”?

Now, here’re some additional reasons why I should blog:

- It keeps me motivated to be attuned to people around me and my surroundings, and disciplines me to reflect on my daily events. This really helps put things into perspective.
(Critic: but a journal will do that equally well rite? Reply: yup, but first I always lose the paper notes when I pen down my thoughts and ideas, and secondly, it’s easier to link to websites which usually trigger those thoughts, rather than copy the link and paste them into a Word document which has been a hassle so far)

- This allows me to keep in touch with friends by reading their blogs, and vice versa.
(Critic: wouldn’t MSN/phone messages/phone calls do? Reply: well, messages and calls may interrupt someone who may be busy at that time, plus they cost money. MSNs are great for instant communication but not the best format to communicate long reflections that Blogs excel at.)

- By searching through my past blogs, I can draw on past musings easier than thumbing through scores of handwritten pages.

- Finally, it’s FUN! (in big caps, no less)

I’m sure there are other reasons, but all in all, I think it’s a worthy adventure. Who knows, one day my kids/grandkids will be curious enough to ask for those grandfather stories, as Mr Brown has so nicely put in his blog, and all I have to do is pull out my blog page and show them. (I’ve found a way to beat you, Mr. Senility! HAH!)

As a newbie, I shall now try to move up the food chain as described in Lifecycle of a Blogger, and in my attempt to capitalize on what he refers to as “You've become a stats whore”, I’ve linked this blog to him :P

One danger though: as with everything, I think blogging should be done with moderation lest it interferes with other important things in life: spending time with God, family, friends, work etc. (If anyone doesn’t think that reading blogs are addictive, feel free to read XiaXie’s blogs (there, “You've become a stats whore” at work again) and see if they catch your attention or not!!)

I guess one test whether I’ll get addicted to blogging (or any other activity for that matter), is a simple question:
1. Can I live without blogging for long periods of time without itching to blog every other day/min?
2. Do I think my life will be incomplete without it? (when there’s only one thing that can complete me regardless of the situation I’m in..)

Anyway, since I’m a newbie in this, I guess it’ll be quite a while before I can apply this test. In the meantime, Happy Blogging to every Blogger who read this!
To those of you blogders, who have not yet started writing you own, try it. You never know how much you’ll like something unless you give it a shot!


Blogger Chee Keong said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement man. I am truly an "Blogigolo" for now..I've turned to the Dark Side haha..

see next post for a mugshot of my "hansem" face...:)

8:38 PM  

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